Tuesday, 12 July 2011

I am a skyscraper

It's funny how when a celebrity 'isn't perfect' they are put to shame in the public eye.
I was talking with my Mum today about Demi Lovato, for those who don't know her she's an 18 year old Disney actor who had an eating disorder, bipolar and cutting issues. Demi was strong enough to drop out of her 2010 tour with the Jonas Brothers to seek help and stayed in a treatment centre labelled 'rehab' by the paparazzi while rumors about her being in their for drug addictions were spiraling out of control.
She no longer has a contract with disney, whether that was by her choice or theirs I have no idea but since she's come out of the treatment centre she's inspiring so many people, like me, who battle with real life self confidence issues.
She's been a true inspiration, even though many people have no labelled her as unworthy as being a good role model. It sickens me that someone so REAL gets criticized for overcoming what she has and inspiring so Many others to do the same.
Demi's twitter is @ddlovato for those that are interested, she really encourages the fact that everyone has a right to feel beautiful and be at peace with their own body.
I SERIOUSlY reccomend listening to her new song that was released today on iTunes called 'skyscraper', YouTube it and really listen to the lyrics.
Read the lyrics of the chorus and relate it to your own battles, whatever they might be and you'll be inspired.
You can take everything I have
You can break everything I am
Like I'm made of glass
Like I'm made of paper
Go on and try to tear me down
I will be rising from the ground
Like a skyscraper, like a skyscraper
It's one of those songs that really makes you cry without even realising.
Anyway, for the most part, today has been a good day.
Things are going to get better, my ED might be able to tear me down and break me if I let it, but I'm not, I'm a skyscraper and I'm going to rise above it!
stay strong <3

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